Live Buses {{buses.length}}

Bus ID Trip ID Route ID Service Direction Description Last Updated
{{x.BusID}} {{x.TripID}} {{x.ServiceDirection}} {{x.LocationUpdated}}

Bus Routes {{routes.length}}

Route ID Route Alias Route Description Route Color
{{x.RouteID}} {{x.RouteAliasLong}} {{x.RouteDescription}} {{x.RouteColor}}

Bus Stops {{busStops[routeDir].length}}

Sequence Stop ID Stop Name
{{x.Sequence}} {{x.StopID}} {{x.StopName}}

Points of Interest {{POIs.length}}

POI ID Category Category Name Name Address svHeading
{{x.PointID}} {{x.CategoryID}} {{x.CategoryName}} {{x.Address}}, {{x.City}}, {{x.State}} {{x.Zip}} {{x.svHeading}}

City of Miami Trolleys {{trolleys.length}}

Trolley ID Route ID In Service Next Stop ID Schedule Number Receive Time
{{x.equipmentID}} {{x.routeID}} {{x.inService}} {{x.nextStopID}} {{x.scheduleNumber}} {{x.receiveTime}}

Data retrieved from:
When data is unavailable (night-time), no live buses are shown.